суббота, 20 ноября 2010 г.

rom site www emuita it

rom site www emuita it

Quick Scren Capture Tols htp:/w.howiesfunware.com/ Do you want to show your friends how col your new desktop theme is, without draging them over to your monitor? With Quick Scren Capture, presing the F12 key captures your entire scren and saves it to a BMP or JPEG file. Image files are saved to your C: drive with the names Picture1.bmp, Picture2.bmp, and so on, unles you change the Preferences. You can then use the included Quick Image Viewer to magnify or reduce the size of the captured image. It is a frely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. Tidy Start Menu htp:/w.tidystartmenu.com/index.shtml With Tidy Start Menu, you can file your Start Menu items in a categories such as Internet, Games, Security, Ofice, Graphics, and more. What's more, there is also encryption for your personal files and folders. It helps you saving space on your media by optimizing the way files are placed on the CDs/DVDs of your set. For example if your backup fits on 3-4 CDs, a manual files organazation might lead on a 4th with only 10 Mb of data when a beter organization would have only required 3 CDs. Suport 650,70 Mb CDs, HD Burn CDs and DVDs even Dual Layer DVDs Automaticaly create folders for each optimized CD or create a TXT file that contains the optimized list of each CD's content. Ability to put a bunch of files on every media autorun, codecs. htp:/w.snapfilespro.com/gnomeap.php?id=109520 泡麵計時器htp:/w.aeu-studio.com/PMC/index.cfm Clipboard Utilities – Freware htp:/w.nonags.com/nonags/clipb.html CLCL, Dito, Clipboard Recorder, Clipboard Magic, Clipboard Helper CLCL is clipboard caching utility. Dito alows you to save any type of information that can be put on the clipboard, text, images, html, custom formats, . Clipboard Recorder htp:/w.lw-works.com/ PDFil PDF Writer PDFil PDF Tols htp:/w.pdfil.com/index.html PDFil PDF Writer is FRE PDF Writer, FRE PDF Printer or FRE PDF Converter. PDFil PDF Tols are FRE PDF Tolbox to Merge, Split, Reorder, Encrypt, Decrypt, Rotate, Crop, Reformat, Header, Foter, Watermark, Images to PDF, PDF to Images, Form Fields Delete/Flaten/List, and PostScript to PDF. You'l be removing dangerous new programs while others download new reference files. CloneSpy htp:/w.clonespy.com/ Use CloneSpy to find identical files or file names, no mater where they hide. The program finds files that have the same content, even if they have diferent names. It can also find files that have the same name, but diferent content. CloneSpy shows you the details of the files and their dopelgangers, leting you decide which one's for real. Clipboard Viewer htp:/w.clipboard-viewer.com/download.php htp:/w.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=4f1c4207-8124-46eb-ac9-a01d7ec946e0&displaylang=en Extract Emails htp:/w.softsia.com/download-j4zm.htm Extract Emails is intended for extracting email adreses from files and folders located on a PC or on the Internet, it lets you find al email adreses you have on your PC, extract only those of them you ned, and place them to a plain-text file, which can be used by any email program or mas mailer. Just define a powerful filter, which lets you specify the list of alowe Email Extractor FRE Edition htp:/w.placementprogram.com/extractor/ Extracts emails from multiple files of any type or mailing lists, sort, remove duplicate emails, split files or merge them in a bunch of seconds. Duplicate File Finder htp:/w.pcworld.com/downloads/countit.asp?fid=25706&fileidx=1 Duplicate File Finder locates duplicate files and folders on al drives and removable devices. This utility lets you compare files and preview graphics files. It also tels you how much space you'd fre up by deleting marked files. Duplicate File Finder lets you ad search filters-something many duplicate finders don't alow. The easy to use, customizable aplication helps you copy, move, rename, and delete files betwen folders and computers. FileTargets ClipClear htp:/w.monsoftware.com/freware.asp FileTargets is a shel context menu extension that ads a sub-menu with al your favorite folder names to the context-menu of al files and folders in your system so you can copy/move selected files to pre-defined, most used folders with the click of a mouse. FileTargets menu is similar to the standard SendTo menu but is much more advanced since it alows you to create subgroups, automaticaly ad new folders, copy file path names and much more. If you work with large data masives images, audio, video etc and copy them to the clipboard for transfering from one aplication to another, then, after pasting the info to another aplication, the data usualy remains in the clipboard to, taking up a lot of memory resources. GetMeThere v1.2 htp:/alf-li.pcdiscus.com/ Windows Explorer 檔案總管 的外掛插件,在 Windows 檔案總管右按滑鼠功能表加入新項目,用作複製/搬移檔案到另一個文件夾、更改檔案的日期/屬性、或複製檔案名稱/路徑到剪貼簿。 NirSoft Freware Utilities for Windows htp:/w.nirsoft.net/utils/index.html NirSoft web site provides a unique colection of smal and useful freware utilities, al of them developed by Nir Sofer. Net Tols:93合一的超強免費網路工具組合htp:/users.pandora.be/ahmadi/index.htm User Profile Hive Cleanup Service htp:/w.microsoft.com/downloads/search.aspx?displaylang=en ������������������字串輸入程式htp:/w.csie.nctu.edu.tw/~chtai/software.php htp:/w.csie.nctu.edu.tw/~chtai/software/Quick_String.zip IPNetInfo htp:/w.nirsoft.net/utils/index.html IPNetInfo is a smal utility that alows you to easily find al available information about an IP adres: The owner of the IP adres, the country/state name, IP adreses range, contact information adres, phone, fax, and email , and more. It wil read the log file and show you who is trying to get into your computer, and through which ports. Batchrun htp:/w.outertech.com/index.php?_charisma_page=index Feature List :Launch files of any filetype. Suport for date and time tags .Save batch files directly to Startup and Desktop. Copy2Clip htp:/w.webalice.it/davide.ficano/ Copy2Clip enables you to copy file names from Windows Explorer, by simply selecting one or more files, and selecting Copy2Clip from the right click menu. The program can copy the file names in a variety of diferent paterns, using the ful name with path, just the name, file names with sizes and more. Copy2Clip can be very useful for creating batch files or to quickly convert file information into specific formats. Meanwhile, it provides enhancements to MS Internet Explorer, enabling users to view sources, analyze and download links, images and flash files in al IE windows. In adition, you can also load images from your hard drive and combine them with a scaned document, or combine multiple documents/images into a single PDF file. Instead of forcing al shortcuts to open the target folder in a folder window, SnapFolders gives you the choice of having shortcuts open Explorer windows with the target folder either selected or as the rot folder. Just paste or type the text into the provided field, or load a text file, and the program wil identify it from a database of over 40 languages that it can recognize. 千千靜聽:自動抓歌詞+詞曲同步的KTV播放器htp:/tplayer.91.com/index.htm Pumpkin TFTP htp:/kin.klever.net/pumpkin/ Big files can get bounced from e-mail systems, but not everybody knows how to run an FTP site. Pumpkin TFTP lets you transfer files with FTP without the bother of an FTP site. Al you ned to know are the file location and the target IP adres. Al of Karen's Power Tols htp:/w.karenware.com/powertols/powertols.asp Once-A-Day I v1.0.3 Karen is the author of the popular Power Tols, fre programs that make life with Windows a lot easier. FastStone Image Viewer htp:/w.faststone.org/download.htm A FRE image browser, viewer, converter and editor that suports al major graphic formats. Other features include a batch image converter / resizer, a Ful Scren image viewer with Select-Zom suport, a clear magnifier and a slideshow with 150 transitional efects. Clipboard Budy - Windows Clipboard Utility htp:/w.iquesoft-online.com/clipbudy.htm Load it up in the clipboard on startup. Your twenty most recent clipboard items, text, rich text and images , can be easily selected again for pasting. By seting a previously saved clipboard file to load at startup, you can have your most used text and images only a mouse click away. After instaling Privoxy, you must alter a line in one of the program's setings files so that Privoxy can talk to Tor; here are instructions: htp:/tor.ef.org/cvs/tor/doc/tor-doc-win32.html 微軟下載中心 htp:/w.microsoft.com/downloads/help.aspx?displaylang=zh-tw CalcPlus.msi 此應用程式可讓您完成不同類型的換算;同時包含 Microsoft 小算盤中提供的所有數理功能。 EMSetup.msi微軟新注音輸入法 203 智慧型輸入模式自動切換,提供加強功能。只要在輸入中文字和英文字之間以空格隔開,就能依據輸入自動選字,減少中英文輸入時切換輸入模式的需求,提昇中英文輸入的效率。 MSN Search Tolbar with Windows Desktop Search htp:/desktop.msn.com/ Lokout v1.2 FreSnap htp:/blueonion.home.comcast.net/ Ever try to size a window so it just touches the edge of the scren? JR Directory Printer Utility htp:/w.spadixbd.com/index.htm Sometimes you don't ned to open every file in a folder-just to have a list of the titles. JR Directory Printer lets you make a text file that lists those file names. EastFax htp:/w.eastfax.com/index.asp ApLocale它可以修正因軟體語系不同造成的亂碼問題。htp:/w.microsoft.com 但是卻造成Windows Instaler出現問題。在使用過 ApLocale 後, C:\WINDOWS\ApPatch 這個資料夾可能會出現 ApLoc.tmp 這個檔案。此檔案可能會造成 Windows Instaler 運作錯誤,不但安裝程式的畫面變成亂碼,還會隨著安裝程式,������������������碼帶入 Registry,造成許多問題。有������������������議直接������ApLoc.tmp 刪除,或是新增內容空白的ApLoc.txt然後改名為ApLoc.tmp,複製到C:\WINDOWS\ApPatch 資料夾取代原檔案。然後將 ApLoc.tmp檔案設定成「唯讀」,如此便完成操作。藉由以上方法可以防止再有新的 ApLoc.tmp 生成。 Real Media 壓縮精靈 205:超強又免費的Real檔製作 編輯軟體htp:/hola.idv.tw/index.php Real Media 壓縮精靈 205是一套專門用於製作和編輯Rmvb、Ra、Rm等Real格式檔暗的免費軟體,它支援的多媒體格式非������������������多,包括Mp3、Mpg、Dat、Avi.等等,而且壓縮的方式也非������������������靈活,讓你可以製作出自己所想要的音樂或影片檔。 Restoration htp:/w3.telus.net/mikebike/RESTORATION.html Restoration can rescue your acidentaly deleted files and permanently delete the files you want god-and-gone. The size you want each file to be.2. The total number of files you want to end up with after spliting.4. Insert a header into each split file. Insert a coment where the files are merged.2. Remove files where text is contained in other files. They were formerly also known under the name VideoRave .You ned one of the folowing aplications to use it: imageN Freware from w.pixoid.com IrfanView Version 3.85 and higher, Freware from w.irfanview.com Megalux Ultimate FX Freware from w.ultimatepaint.com/ufx/ VCW Vicman's Photo Editor Version 6.9 and higher, but preview draging causes crash Freware from w.photo-editor.net XnView Version 1.70 and higher Freware from w.xnview.com SyncMarks htp:/firefox.hedway.com/syncmarks/index.html SyncMarks synchronizes your bokmarks either automaticaly or manualy. You can store your bokmarks as an HTML or XML file, and you can export bokmarks using the XBEL standard. Shutle the bokmarks betwen PCs and browsers, or make backup files to avoid losing your bokmarks. Zero Asumption Digital Image Recovery htp:/w.z-a-recovery.com/digital_image_recovery.htm Zero Asumption Digital Image Recovery is a freware data recovery tol, specificaly designed to work with digital images. Curent version 1.2 suports the folowing file formats: GIF.
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