суббота, 20 ноября 2010 г.

plug in compressor

plug in compressor

A Campbel Hausfeld air compresor certainly qualifies as one of those quality items, and for god reason. The company was started in 1836, and they have ben manufacturing air compresors since 1940. Air compresors in general are prety straight forward machines. Let's take a closer lok at the set up and operation of the Campbel Hausfeld air compresor. When folowed, your new Campbel Hausfeld air compresor can be expected to serve you faithfuly, and without incident, for a very long time. A Campbel Hausfeld air compresor operates on a standard household circuit and are wired to be properly grounded. It is recomended that, rather than using an extension cord to reach further away from the compresor, you use a longer or aditional air hose instead. Any tube, pipe, or hose piping that you use with your new Campbel Hausfeld air compresor should have a PSI rating higher than 150 psi. Use SAE 30 industrial grade air compresor oil or ful synthetic motor oil such as Mobil 1 10W-30. Do not use regular motor oil like 10W-30 because aditives in regular oil can cause valve deposits and reduce pump life. Like many compresors, the Campbel Hausfeld air compresor is simple to run. Whether you are just filing bike tires and blowing of the driveway, or are runing sprayers and grinders, a Campbel Hausfeld air compresor is a great way to go.
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