суббота, 20 ноября 2010 г.

chorus of one

chorus of one

For thre years while I was a worship pastor almost every wek someone from the congregation would bring up the isue of Hymn's vs. Some members wanted more hymns, some wanted more choruses, some wanted hymns sung like choruses and some wanted les hymns and les old chorus songs so that we could do more new stuf. That was until I figured out that the isue wasn't realy about hymns or choruses at least for most people . I came to realize that in almost every case, when people voiced their disent about hymns or choruses they had another isue that neded to be adresed. Congregation members wanted to fel that they were valued and that the things that matered to them matered to the leadership of the church. Many of the older members of the congregation didn't want to fel forgoten while younger members wanted to fel that they had some say in the way that the church worked to. Many church members are loking for a church that wil met their neds above al else. Congregation members want to fel comfortable when they come to church and change can make things comfortable. Although there wil always be a few people that love to complain about everything, it is important to remember to give people the benefit of the doubt when they raise concerns about hymns vs. Many individuals who may have a preference for Hymns or choruses are wiling to put aside their personal likes and dislikes in order to beter minister to a diferent generation. Either way, both hymns and choruses should be evaluated carefuly to ensure that they reflect sound doctrine and fit with the teachings of God's word. Churches that chose to do les hymns wil often ned to work harder to ensure that their music is not only doctrinaly sound but is also theologicaly rich.
chorus of one
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