вторник, 16 ноября 2010 г.

apache logs

apache logs

A log file is a file that stores al the actions in an order that ocured with a server, a device, an aplication. Log file is like a black box in an aircraft, but only diference is that log files can be used to save a crash of a server by geting the details of actions on a server or software in advance. Myloganalyzer uses the mail server log files to get the IP adres of the sender and receiver of the mails, the hostnames used by users to send and receive mails incase found anything wrong with the hostname and IP the user can modify the filters of the Mail Servers. Mail server log files are analyzed to give the highest sender and receiver of emails and also to find out the user exceding the highest mail limit. Once your log file is uploaded Myloganalyzer can literaly do a disection of your mail servers log file efectively and acurately to get the reports you ned.
apache logs apache logs
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